Tuesday, May 25, 2010

3D TV in Your Home?

The three dimensional image (3D) makes a comeback in the cinema... and soon it will be available in your home.

At the last Consumer Electronics Show in January 2009 in Las Vegas, the electronics giants have submitted their prototype 3D TVs. Some models require the wearing of glasses, some do not, but on the whole, the main models that will hit the market in later this year will require 3D TV glasses.

This year, the DVD Forum has already adopted a standard proposed by Sensio, a Montreal company; to integrate 3D into DVDs. Panasonic is also trying to do the same for Blu-ray. Already, some broadcasters have started testing the transmission of 3D content and some have successfully broadcasted popular events such as sports games made available on 3D TVs in public places.

Is 3D TV a pleasant experience?

With special glasses, many have now had the opportunity to see 3D images on a home TVs.

Result: the action that is seen on the screen looks as though it is taking place at a closer proximity in terms of viewer distance and is an exciting experience. Some of the pictures of the sporting events that have been broadcasted have shown spectacular results.

In the past, the synchronization of two series of images - one for each eye - recorded on two rolls of film were some times a bit rugged, which sometimes caused some unease among moviegoers. By contrast, however, today's digital 3D TV eliminates this effects and results on some of the TVs are stunning. The user experience of the new 3D TV is much more comfortable. Although, there is still a hint of some eye discomfort, but it is drastically reduced, as observed by James Tam, psychophysicist and researcher at the Centre for Communications Research in Ottawa. He said it will take at least 10 years before the technology is widespread in homes. For industry, the main challenge will be to agree on a standard distribution.

Already on the market

However, there are few televisions in the stores capable of displaying 3D images, including models released by Samsung.

To fully enjoy the experience, some users have connected a computer on their television with a Nvidia GeForce 3D Vision video card. You can use this system for playing video games in 3D.

This is just the beginning of a new era in TV technology and there is still a lot of innovation waiting to be unleashed for even better enhanced TV experience for the future. But one thing is fr sure, 3D TV is now establishing a firm footing in the market for long term use.

You can find out more information on the latest news on this [http://www.3dtvs.me.uk/]3D TVs website, including further information on latest releases such as the [http://www.3dtvs.me.uk/samsung3dtv.html]Samsung 3d TV.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?3D-TV-in-Your-Home?&id=4010969] 3D TV in Your Home?
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