Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is the Acer Aspire One Mini Notebook PC the Happy Medium?

I guess I would have to say that I'm probably one of the last people to jump on the mini notebook PC (or netbook) bandwagon. I've got to tell you when I first looked at one of these things I couldn't figure out what the attraction was. I thought to myself "This is just a sorta kinda notebook or laptop wannabe. Why not just go out and get the real McCoy?" Then I had a chance to use an Acer Aspire One. I changed my mind in a big hurry.

The compact design of the Acer Aspire One is really pretty nice. You don't realize how large a full size notebook really is until you compare it to carting around one of these pint size PCs. You're almost getting "the real McCoy" in size. I mean what the heck; a 10 inch LED backlit screen is nothing to sneeze at. However, even though you're giving up loads in performance (This is not anything close to a high end gaming computer), believe it or not, the size is a huge advantage. Not because how small it is but because of how big it is. Let me explain.

I used to think that I had a mini notebook PC in my pocket. You know, those things we call smart phones. I figured that if I wanted to do some minor or recreational web browsing or check or send emails that that's all I needed. Well, it is if you can effectively see everything you want to see on that tiny screen. It's getting harder for me to do that. I'm at that age where my glasses seem to be getting stronger from year to year exponentially.

This is where the Acer Aspire One excels. Is it a full blown laptop? No it isn't. But it's not just an eBook reader either. With it's 1.6 GHz processor, long battery life, sufficient RAM, WiFi, a 250 gigabyte hard drive and little perks like a webcam and Dolby audio, The Acer aspire makes a perfect travel PC. Want to get a little work done too? It comes with Microsoft Office.

To find out more about the Acer Aspire One as well as other mini notebook PC alternatives, visit http://www.mininotebookpc.info.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_J._Topper

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