Sunday, February 21, 2010

Samsung HDTV Reviews - How to Find the Best Ones

Who do you think writes the best Samsung HDTV reviews? Owners of Samsung HDTVs who own them and live with them or professional reviewers who write the review and go on to write the next review. I will put my money on the HDTV owners. They know best what is good and what is bad about it. is the home of the best customer reviews. Amazon led the way in allowing customers to post reviews and the best reviews are found on Amazon.

Almost any Samsung HDTV sold on Amazon will have reviews posted for it. On Amazon, the link to the reviews is found just under the HDTV name at the top of the product page. The link is formatted "(NN customer reviews)" where the NN will be the number of times the particular HDTV has been reviewed. It is located just to the right of the yellow stars that indicate the average of all customer review. Some HDTVs have only a few reviews while others have hundreds.

To see how this works, go to Click on the left drop down search input box and select "Electronics". In the right search input box, enter "Samsung LN52B750". Click the orange "GO" button to the right of the search input boxes. Click the link for the Samsung LN52B750 on the search results. This will bring up the product page for the Samsung LN52B750.

Click the customer review link to the right of the yellow stars and go to the Customer Reviews page for the Samsung LN52B750 to get some very helpful information:

* The selection of reviews by the number of stars
* The total number of reviews on Amazon for this HDTV
* The average number of stars for all reviews
* The most helpful favorable review
* The most helpful critical review

These Samsung HDTV reviews will tell you the good and the bad about each HDTV as written by the owners. has a web page with pictures and instructions that show how to easily find the HDTV reviews that you are looking for. Read the information below for an explanation on how to find to the HDTV reviews page.

John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. His degree in physics makes him curious about how things work. His first TV was an old black and white that he was given because it did not work. He repaired it and it was the family TV for a few years. John then built a 21 inch Heathkit color TV. He has been fascinated with the development of the new flat screen HDTV units.

For more information about how to use to find HDTV reviews, go to

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